Long Live RSS

RSS: A family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works (blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video) in a standardized format. Aaron Swartz helped create it at the age of 14 and committed suicide at 26.

Aaron Swartz is a pioneer of open web fundamentalism. His deeds once affected the way I looked at the world. He used an extreme attitude to tell the world how to fight against the world. I recommend you to watch the documentary "The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz". This is the best way to understand the authors of RSS.

Here are some feed examples I subscribed for reading:








Some apps for RSS were removed from the Chinese App Store in the autumn of 2020.

Not every website supports RSS. But good news is, there's a great web app for everyone to build the RSS feed with JavaScript: RSSHub.

You can visit the RSSHub doc to use it.

The author of RSSHub deployed it on https://rsshub.app .

As a contributor for RSSHub, I'm also glad to share my self-hosted RSSHub for you:

https://feed.lawrenceli.me .

I'll try to keep my repository in sync with the official RSSHub git repository every day.

I use the Reeder app for iOS. And also for feed sync up reason I host a FreshRSS service to keep all RSS feeds in one place. You can also try it or anyother client above and anyother services like Feedly, TinyTinyRSS...

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